
Scopri di più sul mondo di Olio Sud Italia

Our Hystory

Our story meet our strategy

The connection of CASSETTA Family with the world of olive oil is lost in the mists of time. And the strong link with its homeland (Puglia), which is still the largest producing region in Italy of extra virgin olive oils of the highest quality, is the biggest strength of SUD ITALIA ALIMENTARI.

Activities continued with increasing success by his son Giovanni Cassetta sr., who in a few years, led the selection and wholesaling to have a development and a predominance in the regional market.

The premature failure of his father, his eldest son Vincenzo Cassetta jr., along with his two brothers, during the 60/70ies gave a new impetus to bringing the experience gained in marketing extra virgin olive oils selected even to North Italy and also to neighboring France, where the first national companies to oil were developing the new market of olive oil packaged in bottles.

Thanks to its expertise in olive oil tasting, which still allows careful selection of the best local products, developed a long term constructive cooperation with many big olive oil brands. That allowed him to further develop the business as expert and reliable supplier partner.

During the 80ies, with the arrival of the fourth generation, as well as profitable hereinafter of the selection and marketing of bulk oil, the brothers Giovanni, Pasquale, Mariangela and Massimiliano Cassetta, as professional olive oil tasters, realized that such an experience would be appreciated, introducing the direct bottling and direct marketing of the own brand olive oils to the national supermarkets. And so, in 1984 was born SUD ITALIA ALIMENTARI SRL who started the contemporary packaging activities of the different qualities of extra virgin olive oil in bulk for already marketed adequately enhance the extra virgin olive oil from Puglia, directly distributing the finished product in the bottle with its own brand "CADELMONTE ".

The attention to quality and our attention to production, always according to the real Italian olive oil tradition has allowed SUD ITALIA ALIMENTARI to be:

- The first Italian company to obtain certification for the packaging of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 100% Italian (1999);

- One of the first companies to be certified for the packaging of Extra Virgin Olive Oil PDO Terra di Bari (2000);
- One of the first Italian companies to introduce the new package in Pet bottles as 5 lt. (for food service) and Spray 250 ml. for consumers.

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These qualities have enabled SUD ITALIA ALIMENTARI to expand successful in the Italian market as first, with the brand "CADELMONTE", and next introducing the other brands "VILLA VINCI" and "ROMOLI".

And now distributed to markets in over 40 countries across 5 continents.
Today, thanks to its very wide range of olive oils, available in many glass, pet and tin containers from 250 ml. up to 5 lt., and thanks to the many quality certifications obtained and thanks to the experience as reliable exporters, allows SUD ITALIA ALIMENTARI to be a very reliable partner for the long term collaboration.
Our Quality

The SUD ITALIA ALIMENTARI has always been careful to ensure the excellence of its products but its relationship with the modern distribution also requires pay attention even to the excellence of its production processes and related services.

This excellence is now guaranteed the voluntary audit to the most important quality standards applicable to food companies, with results that allow SUD ITALIA ALIMENTARI to get the maximum rating for each of the following certifications:

- IFS – International Food Standard (ver. 5)
- ISO 9001:2000
- Real 100% ITALIAN 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil (according EC regulations 2815/98)
- D.O.P. (Protected Denomination of Origin) TERRA DI BARI
- ORGANIC product According to EC regulation 2092/91

These certifications, along with countless audits received by leading international distribution companies, are a guarantee of reliability for the protection of customers as well as to further protect the quality and food safety.
Sirena d'Oro di Sorrento 2005
The excellence of its high quality extra virgin olive oils has been certified in time with the grant of some major quality awards obtained especially with extra virgin PDO TERRA DI BARI “VILLA VINCI” including:
Ercole Olivario 2006
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Eco Sustenibility
The extreme sensitivity of the CASSETTA Family to environmental and energy issues has allowed SUD ITALIA ALIMENTARI to be one of the first Italian olive oil company to be a real ZERO EMISSION company, thanks to its photovoltaic system on the roofs of its plant, which allows to be self-sufficient in the energy required for its complete production process.